Praxis® Passing Scores by State

Praxis Scores by State

The Praxis exam is one of the key steps to becoming a licensed educator in over 40 states and U.S. territories. While the testing is developed and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the passing score is determined by the licensing state or agency. Because of this, the passing score varies based on which agency is requiring your testing.

Praxis State Requirements

The most common requirements are the Praxis Core Tests, Praxis II Assessments, and the Praxis Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) Tests. The Praxis Core Test is comprised of three subject areas: reading, writing, and mathematics. This test is generally administered early in the college career and is designed to measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs. Some states may require the Praxis Core Tests as part of the licensure process.

The Praxis II Subject Assessments consist of the Subject Assessments and the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) Tests. Praxis II Subject Assessment Tests include over 90 different tests ranging from social studies to agriculture to special education. The Subject Assessments measure both general and subject-specific knowledge and teaching skills. The PLT Tests measure general teaching knowledge at one of the four grade-level ranges:

  • Early Childhood
  • K-6
  • 5-9 and
  • 7-12

The Praxis Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) Tests are specifically designed for teachers specializing in elementary education. There are four CKT tests: Reading and Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The assessments cover two primary areas:

  1. Your understanding of the student curriculum
  2. Your ability to teach the student curriculum

Overview of Praxis Test Scoring

Praxis Test scoring is a little different than traditional test scoring. Rather than reduce the number of incorrect answers from a perfect score, the Praxis uses a raw score of correct answers. Each question answered correctly counts as one raw score point. The total raw score is then converted to a scale based upon the difficulty of the test. Some of the required tests may have essay questions, like the Praxis Core Writing test. These Praxis essay questions are scored by a reader on a scale of one to six, with six being the most desirable score. As you might expect, an essay with a six score has very few errors and shows exemplary writing abilities. A score of one shows minimal essential writing skills.

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Praxis Passing Scores by State

It would be difficult to list all Praxis passing scores for every exam in every state so instead, we'll help you find the one you're looking for. The passing requirements for the Praxis II vary by state. Find out if your state or agency requires the Praxis II for the licensing process on ETS Praxis State Requirements page. Start by choosing your state, territory, or national agency/organization. Once you've selected your agency the screen will show the Praxis tests that are important components of the licensure and certification process. For example, if you select Minnesota, you would find that the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam is listed.

Praxis 2 Score Requirements by State

Once you've located your state or agency's required tests, it's time to find out what score you'll need. On the ETS Praxis Passing Score Requirements page, you can search for the minimum passing scores required for the exams you've taken. Using the drop-down box, you can search by State or Agency or Test or Test Group. For instance, we know Minnesota requires the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators, which requires a score of 150, 156, and 162 for Mathematics, Reading, and Writing, respectively.

Average Praxis Scores by State

The Education Testing Service, or ETS, provides data on the average Praxis test score range to give an idea of study benchmarks and the difficulty of the various exams. The states use this data to establish their minimum passing score. For example, the Praxis Core Mathematics passing score is 150 for the majority of the states. There are a few exceptions, like Washington, which requires a passing score of 142.

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Expert Contributor

Jeryl-Ann Asaro

Jeryl-Ann Asaro, M.Ed. is a retired teacher with over 19 years of experience in all levels of education, from the elementary classroom to post-graduate workshops. She has passed the Praxis exam and has extensive experience assisting students and adults prepare for a variety of standardized tests. As an educator and educational leader, she is committed to excellence by empowering collaboration, fostering innovation, and nurturing achievement. Jeryl-Ann completed a B.A. in English Education at Montclair State University and a Master's degree in Education at Marygrove College.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are passing scores for the Praxis?

    The passing scores for the Praxis are determined by the licensing state, territory, or agency. You can use the drop-down feature to search by Test or Test Group or by State or Agency to find the passing scores here.

  • What is the average score on the Praxis?

    The average score on the Praxis varies by state or agency and by test. While the ETS doesn't provide a list of average scores for test takers by state, it does provide average performance ranges by test.

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