Physical Education Praxis® 5091 Guide and Test

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Physical Education Praxis: Content Knowledge 5091 Exam

The Physical Education Praxis exam, also known as the Praxis 5091, is one of the Praxis Subject Assessments, a suite of tests utilized by many states in the teacher certification process. Specifically, the Praxis 5091 exam is used by some states to test the knowledge and skills of aspiring physical education teachers for grades K through 12. Prospective teachers must pass the Physical Education Praxis to earn teacher certification in the field. Generally, this Praxis test is for those who have completed a bachelor's degree in physical education, exercise science, or other similar fields who want to become a physical education teacher. Learn more about the exam here.

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Praxis 5091 Test Content

The Praxis II Physical Education exam is a computer-based test. Test takers must answer 120 questions on the exam in 2 hours. All of the questions are selected-response questions (multiple-choice). The Praxis exam for physical education is divided into four different content categories:

  • Content Knowledge and Student Growth and Development
  • Management, Motivation, and Communication
  • Planning, Instruction, and Student Assessment
  • Collaboration, Reflection, and Technology

Each content area has a different number of questions to make up a different exam percentage. Overall, the test is designed to examine candidates' understanding of fitness and physical education and how to teach the subject to students. Below, we examine each content category in greater detail.

Content Category I. Content Knowledge and Student Growth and Development

The first content category, Content Knowledge and Student Growth and Development, is the largest section; it makes up about 30% of the total exam. This equates to approximately 36 questions. The content area assesses candidates' knowledge of central concepts in the field and their understanding of student growth and development. Test takers may need to answer questions about main physical education concepts, such as:

  • Motor skills
  • Biomechanics
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Exercise physiology
  • Rules and skills of various games

Questions about student growth and development will cover how students learn and their motor development as they age. Test takers may also need to answer questions about ideas related to support services, effective instruction, and monitoring student performance.

Content Category II. Management, Motivation, and Communication

The Management, Motivation, and Communication content category is about 25% of the total exam with around 30 questions. The management and motivation section of the content area examines candidates' skills with managing their classroom and getting students involved. Test takers may need to answer questions about classroom management techniques, factors that affect learning, overseeing resources, building positive relationships with students, and motivating students. Questions about the different factors that affect learning include both psychological and social factors. The communication section of the content area looks at both verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Questions will examine candidates' knowledge of communicating instruction and interacting with both parents and students. Test takers may also be asked about different communication strategies for various settings.

Content Category III. Planning, Instruction, and Student Assessment

The Planning, Instruction, and Student Assessment content area also has about 30 questions to make up another 25% of the total exam. The planning and instruction portion of the content area is designed to ensure that candidates know how to prepare and implement their lessons effectively. Test takers may answer questions about how to design unit and lesson plans that correspond to state standards, how to utilize learning resources, and how to ensure the safety of students as they learn. This section also discusses various issues and laws that may dictate which physical activities can be used for instruction. The student assessment portion of the content area examines topics including:

  • Data collection
  • Fitness assessments
  • Self-assessment vs. peer assessment
  • Interpreting assessments
  • Assessment of those with disabilities

Content Category IV. Collaboration, Relaxation, and Technology

The final content category, Collaboration, Relaxation, and Technology, makes up around 20% of the exam with about 24 questions. Test takers will need to answer questions concerning collaboration with educators in various subject areas and promoting physical education in the school and community. This section will also look at building relationships with various roles in education, including parents, administrators, and colleagues. The relaxation section of the content area examines how candidates should reflect on their role as educators to improve in different areas. Finally, the technology portion of the content area tests candidates' knowledge of how to incorporate information technology into their lesson plans. This section also asks questions about how to use technology to maintain student records and gather learning resources.

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Praxis Physical Education: Content Knowledge 5091 Exam Scores

Candidates need to understand Praxis 2 Physical Education scores and know whether they passed the exam or not. Scores on the exam range from 100 to 200. Each state determines its own Physical Education Praxis passing score, but as of 2021, the states that require the Praxis 5091 had a passing score range of 140 to 155.

The Praxis 5091 exam is a selected-response test, and therefore, is scored by the computer. Test takers get one raw point for each correct answer; these are then added together for the total raw score. The total raw score must be scaled for the final score to account for different editions of the test.

Candidates will be able to view their score report on their Praxis account. Score reports are posted after 5 pm Eastern Time on the expected Praxis score report dates. The expected score report date is based on a test taker's test date. Usually, candidates can expect to have their results within 2 to 6 weeks.

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Praxis 5091 Test Registration

Test takers can register for the Praxis II Physical Education exam through the mail, by phone, or online. Registering by mail can take up to 3 weeks as the ETS processes the request and sends back a voucher through the mail to complete the registration process. Test takers who register by phone must pay an additional $35 fee. Praxis online registration is one of the easiest methods and allows test takers to complete all of the registration steps at once for no cost.

During registration, candidates must verify their email and then select their exam for registration. Then, they can begin to search available Praxis Physical Education test dates and locations. The ETS offers a 'Find a Test Date' tool and a 'Find a Test Center Tool'. The test date tool has candidates select the Praxis 5091 and see available Praxis test dates throughout the year. Candidates also need to consider if they want to take the exam in-person at a Praxis testing center or at home and can search available dates by their preferred test-taking method. The test center tool allows candidates to enter their zip code or city name to see available test centers in the state and surrounding areas. Once candidates have chosen their test date and location, they can schedule their exam and pay the required fee.

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Praxis Physical Education: Content Knowledge 5091 Test Preparation

Test takers need to prepare for the Praxis 5091 to pass it as quickly as possible and earn their certification. Candidates should first become familiar with the content and format of the exam. One of the best tools for this is a Praxis Physical Education study guide. Using this guide, test takers can examine details of the test's content and determine areas where they feel confident and areas they need to study carefully. This can help them organize their study time accordingly.

Praxis 2 Practice Test for Physical Education

Testers should also incorporate a wide range of resources into their study time. They may utilize notes from their undergraduate courses, textbooks, library books, or flashcards that they make. Some candidates may prefer to study in groups or find a tutor. After studying, they should try to find practice questions and at least one Praxis 2 Physical Education practice test to examine their progress. These tests are designed to simulate the real exam, which gives test-takers experience with the time constraint and question format. Praxis practice exams may also give explanations for correct answers that can further help test takers study. Some practice exams are free online or at the local library, while others may come with a fee.

Expert Contributor

Bryan McMahon

Bryan McMahon, M.A. is a high school biology and special education teacher in New Jersey with over 14 years of experience. He has hundreds of hours of experience tutoring aspiring teachers to take the CSET/CBEST exam suite. He has successfully passed the science and special education Praxis exams. Bryan completed a B.S. in Education from Seton Hall University and an M.A. in Teaching from Mangrove College.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Praxis content exam?

    The Physical Education Praxis content exam is designed to test candidates' understanding of physical education for grades K through 12. Some states use this exam as part of the teacher certification process.

  • How many questions are on the Praxis 5091?

    The Praxis 5091 contains 120 selected-response, or multiple-choice, questions. These questions must all be answered in 2 hours or less.

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  1. A student from Japan has moved to the U.S. His teacher reaches out his hand to give a handshake, but the student is looking down, and doesn't reach out his hand. What BEST describes the student's reaction?

    • Correct Answer
  2. Mr. Brown wants his students to continue their healthy lifestyle outside of the classroom. In order to promote this he wrote a news letter about healthy eating and sent it home with the students to share with their family. Mr. Brown is using commutation to reach which important part of the classroom environment?

    • Correct Answer
  3. Which of the following is not an advantage of using standardized tests?

    • Correct Answer
  4. What is the first step in the reflective cycle to facilitate change in teacher performance?

    • Correct Answer
  5. What is the primary function of the skeletal system during physical activity?

    • Correct Answer
  6. Which of the following strategies can a physical education teacher use to establish a productive learning environment?

    • Correct Answer
  7. The type of reliability that assesses the consistency of scores given by different people is known as the

    • Correct Answer
  8. Which of the following activities primarily improves balance?

    • Correct Answer
  9. Mr. Levi has a student who continues to yell "HELLO" whenever he enters the classroom. Mr. Levi would like this behavior to stop, and he decides he is going to ignore the behavior in hopes that with no reaction from him, the student will eventually stop yelling "HELLO." What method of classroom management is this an example of?

    • Correct Answer
  10. What is the most effective strategy for monitoring individual performance in a physical education class?

    • Correct Answer
  11. Which is NOT true of skeletal muscle?

    • Correct Answer
  12. Coach Wilkins wants to find information on how to increase physical fitness for both her students and community. Which organization could help her find the information she needs?

    • Correct Answer
  13. In which of the following ways can a physical education teacher best engage with community organizations to support student growth and well-being?

    • Correct Answer
  14. Which hit in volleyball is also known as a set?

    • Correct Answer
  15. Which of the following would be the most effective way to promote physical activity within a school setting?

    • Correct Answer

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